Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bad deck is bad

So yesterday I posted my Warlock deck that I have been using.  Here is another shot of it:
Yeah, some good pieces in there, but overall... not very good.  I may have gotten to 3 Star Gold with this and my priest, but I couldn't win at all last night with it.  Time to revamp the deck.  After browsing reddit and such I find I have many a card I need to get, as I am lacking some really strong meta cards at the moment.

Also, slightly unrelated... I just discovered a card shop 5 minutes away from where I live that does Friday Night Magic games, I have been here for 3 years and I just discovered this now? I am the worst nerd ever.

Friday, December 6, 2013

And it begins

I did not just receive my beta key, I got it about 2 weeks ago.  I always enjoyed playing MtG as a kid, and I still like to get cards, but I never played competitively at all.  My goal is to move into the competitive scene while (hopefully) spending as little as possible, so we shall see.

I have been playing on and off so far, nothing amazing to speak of yet.  My best arena run has been 1-3, amazing I know and I am currently 3 Star Gold, woo.  These are the two decks I like to play with a Priest and Warlock:

Nothing crazy, I know... both are really budget decks but it is coming along.  I am always open to suggestions, but I don't have much disposable income right now.